(MTLEXS) Global zinc supply is expected to get into a surplus situation in 2018-2020 as zinc production is expected to increase from China as well as across the globe. Though, a deficit of 210,000 mt is expected in 2017, the market is expected to move into surplus in 2018. In 2018, a surplus of 3,000 mt is expected in the zinc market. This is further expected to increase by 167,000 mt in 2019 and 340,000 mt in 2020. In China, mined zinc output is expected at 4 million tonnes in 2017. The output from the country is expected to increase to 4.1 million mt in 2018, 4.25 million mt in 2019 and 4.3 million mt in 2020. Global zinc supply is expected to be 7.95 million mt in 2017 and increase to 8.44 million mt in 2018, 8.92 million mt in 2019 and 9.14 million mt in 2020.

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