(MTLEX) According to preliminary data recently compiled by the ILZSG, world refined lead metal demand exceeded supply by 169kt during the first eleven months of 2017. Over the same period total reported stock levels decreased by 33kt. Global lead mine production rose by 3.0% over the first eleven months of 2017 compared to the same period in 2016. This was mainly due to increases in China, India and Kazakhstan that more than offset a significant fall in Australia and reductions in Sweden and the United States. A 3.1% increase in world refined lead metal output was mainly influenced by higher output in China and India that more than balanced a decrease of 8.6% in the United States. Growth of 4.9% in global refined lead metal usage was principally a result of rises in China, the Republic of Korea and the United States. Apparent demand increased by 3.5% in Europe, influenced by increases in Germany and in the UK. China’s imports of lead contained in lead concentrates fell 7.7% to 643kt. Chinese net imports of refined lead metal totalled 77kt compared to net exports of 11kt during the first eleven months of 2016.

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