(TASS) TASS reported that a modern dispatch management system will begin working at the Bystrinsky mining and processing plant, which Nornickel (the Norilsk Nickel Company) built in Transbaikalia’s south-east and opened in 2017. Bystrinskoye Mining Company’s Press Secretary Konstantin Veresov told TASS that „All pre-commissioning works to develop the subsystem’s basic functions have been completed, the system’s experimental launch is scheduled for late 2018. The system will provide control and effective management of production processes at the plant, and, in addition to this, the system’s integrated use will cut the emergency response time.“ The system controls main production and subordinate processes, electricity supplies, railway infrastructures. The press secretary said that „All the subsystems use a data storage, where information is archived and may be available to users depending on their access levels.” The system’s interface is absolutely simple and clear. Thus, a dispatcher sees only the information, which influences the plant’s work. In case of failures, color indicators inform about possible problems or emergencies. According to the company’s projecting group’s head, Mr Rustam Gogov, the system’s options are made not only to control and distribute material and energy resources, but also to assist in making management decisions to ensure the rhythm and efficiency of all production chains. In late 2017, Nornickel constructed Bystrinsky GOK in a hard-to-reach area in Transbaikalia, some 500km from Chita. At the design capacity, the plant will produce annually 3 million tonne of magnetite concentrate and 260 kt of copper concentrate, and 252,000 Troy ounces of gold. The plant’s target markets are Russia and China, as well as Japan and the Republic of Korea.

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