SINGAPORE, May 15 (Reuters) – London copper prices slid for a second session on Tuesday, coming under pressure from a rise in stockpiles of the metal used in power and construction. FUNDAMENTALS: * Three-month copper on the London Metal Exchange fell 0.2 percent to $6,873 a tonne by 0139 GMT and the most-traded contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange gave up 0.6 percent to 51,250 yuan ($8,077.86) a tonne. * The headline stocks in LME warehouses rose 8,900 tonnes to 289,975 tonnes. * Inventories had fallen more than 100,000 tonnes since March to just over 280,000 tonnes, while copper prices have moved sideways after reaching a four-year high of $7,312.50 in December. * The impact of Chinese curbs on scrap metal imports introduced this year will be blunted by a rise in domestic scrap production, analysts say.* China’s property prices are expected to cool steadily this year amid persistent curbs on buyers and tighter monetary conditions, but the market remains frothy and is subject to volatility, a government think tank said on Monday.

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