BEIJING, Feb 9 (Reuters) - Copper prices fell in London and Shanghai on Friday, extending recent declines following a renewed plunge in global equity markets and another big rise in
copper inventories. The losses have put three-month London Metal Exchange (LME) copper, which is now trading below the $7,000 a tonne mark that
had provided support so far in 2018, on course for a weekly drop of 3.1 percent, its biggest since early December. In a note on Friday, ANZ said it expected the metal's recent
weakness to be relatively short-lived, however. "Risks of further supply disruptions remain high (and) the restriction on copper scrap imports into China is likely to
support refined metal imports," it said. China is the world's biggest copper consumer. FUNDAMENTALS: * LME COPPER: Three-month copper on the LME was down
0.4 percent at $6,818 a tonne by 0505 GMT, after shedding 0.5 percent in the previous session, as the dollar edged upward. A stronger dollar makes metals more expensive for holders of other
currencies. * LME STOCKS: On-warrant copper inventories in warehouses certified by the London Metal Exchange - those not earmarked for delivery - jumped by 25,700 tonnes on Thursday
and have surged by 75 percent over the past three weeks. * SHFE COPPER: The most-traded April copper contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange was down 1.25 percent to
51,510 yuan ($8,146.45) a tonne and has also lost around 3.1 percent so far this week, the most in a week since September. * COPPER: Copper bulls who are betting on labour strife this
year due to a full calendar of contract talks may be disappointed if early wage deals at two copper mines are a signpost for further agreements with mine workers.
* LEAD: LME lead gave up early gains to trade down 0.3 percent at $2,517.50. With its recent rally to a 6-1/2 year high running out of steam, lead is on course for a 6.1 percent
weekly fall, its biggest in almost a year. * ALUMINIUM: U.S. aluminium foil producers on Thursday described a systematic effort by Chinese competitors to force
them out of the business, arguing before a U.S. trade panel that they need anti-dumping duties to survive and invest.
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