(MTLEXS) Copper production is expected to increase sharply in 2018. With restart of Glencore mine lying idle in Africa and expansion of Toquepala mine by Southern Copper and Cobre de Panama mine by First Quantum Minerals in Peru, the supply dynamics of the metal is expected to be considerably affected in 2018. Further, China will also play an important role in production of refined copper as smelter capacity in the country increases. On the demand side too, China is expected to play an important role. Demand for copper from China is expected to continue increasing, however, at a slower rate than 2017. Demand from US may be better in 2018, as compared to 2017, with high infrastructure spending projected for the year. India is also expected to boost the metal demand with its plans for smart cities and ‘Make in India’ campaign, which has several companies add downstream capacities in the country.

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