SP Global reported that Japan’s output of copper coil products in 2018 hit a record high of 270,129 tonne, up 0.2% from 269,497 tonne a year ago, boosted by increases in automated systems in cars. Japan Copper & Brass Association said Tuesday. According to the latest data from the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Japan’s vehicle production over January to October 2018 was 8 million units, up 1% year on year. Among the new car systems, automated driving and related safety systems are enhancing copper coil demand in particular, the Copper & Brass Association’s research manager Tetsuji Tajima said. There are over 50 types of automated safety systems, from automatic brakes to collision prevention systems. According to JAMA, in 2016, 99.8% of Japanese cars came with automated windows that close and open with a switch, and 99.6% of cars with automated braking systems. Meanwhile, less than 1% of cars had active head rest and camera to assist driving in the dark. Mr Tajima said that „As cars will have more automated driving features, strong growth is expected for copper coil demand.” The Copper & Brass Association’s general manager Noriaki Tatara said that „Copper feels some threat from aluminum [which is lighter and cheaper]. Metal needs to balance with price and the value of its functionality. Copper can be made into an alloy easily with other metals such as zinc, and this is a strong advantage. Some metals do not integrate well with others.”

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