LONDON, Dec 19 (Reuters) – Aluminium prices touched a three-week peak on Tuesday as the prospect of slower supply growth from top producer China prompted investors to buy, but the likelihood of a surplus next year capped gains. Benchmark aluminium on the London Metal Exchange closed up 1.2 percent at $2,099 a tonne after touching its highest since Nov. 29. It has risen more than 20 percent so far this year on expectations of a tighter market. “China has this year taken out 8 percent of aluminium capacity. It looks highly unlikely this capacity will be allowed to restart in 2018,” said CRU Group analyst Eoin Dinsmore. “We expect Chinese aluminium production growth at 5 percent next year and the year after, down on what we’ve seen in recent years … But China will continue to produce more than it consumes next year.” IAI: Data from the International Aluminium Institute showed China produced 16.7 million tonnes in the first half of 2017, a rise of 1 percent from the second half of last year. That compares with a rise of 10 percent in the second half of last year from the first half. OUTPUT: China last year accounted for 55 percent of global output estimated at nearly 59 million tonnes against 11 percent of 25 million tonnes at the turn of the millennium. STOCKS: Aluminium stocks in warehouses monitored by the Shanghai Futures Exchange at a record 736,389 tonnes suggest surpluses, analysts say. ENVIRONMENT: China’s war on pollution has involved clamping down on unauthorised aluminium capacity and carrying out inspections to ensure facilities meet the required standards. BULLS VS BEARS: “Bears maintain the cuts the Chinese have been putting through are going to be more than offset by new production,” INTL FCStone analyst Edward Meir said in a note. Bulls argue the cuts will not only stick, but will likely expand as well as the government maintains its pollution fight. We think there is a good chance the government could move again, especially if it sees no meaningful decline in overall production levels — or pollution readings.” BATTERIES: Lead ended down 0.4 percent at $2,552. It touched $2,567 on Monday, its highest since Oct. 16, boosted by expectations of strong demand  from auto battery makers over the winter. WARRANTS: A large position holding between 50 and 80 percent of lead warrants and short term contracts is fuelling worries about shortages on the LME market. The premium for the cash MPB0-3 over the three-month contract rose to $24 a tonne at the close on Monday before falling back to $6.75.

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